- Songs of the Great…Songs of the Great…Songs of the Great…
- Time With YouSheet MusicWaltz 20 in F MajorSheet MusicTikkun OlamSheet MusicSing AgainSheet MusicMarinaSheet MusicAnother WinterDie HappyDie HappyDie Happy
- If I Die Before YouSheet MusicHuddled MassesSheet MusicWhere Are The Grown Ups?Sheet MusicShe PersistedSheet MusicFamily PlanSheet MusicVisitorsVisitorsVisitors
- WhenSheet MusicStill YoungSheet MusicHometown FireSheet MusicO Luck Outrageous Sheet MusicOld HatsOld HatsOld HatsTwelfth NightTwelfth NightTwelfth Night
- Play OnSheet MusicTell HerSheet MusicIf You Were My Beloved Sheet MusicAs You Like ItAs You Like ItAs You Like It
- PrologueSheet MusicThe Man I'm Supposed To BeSheet MusicRosalind, Be MerrySheet MusicIn ArdenSheet MusicUnder the Greenwood TreeSheet MusicWill U Be My BrideSheet MusicShaina Taub Trio EPShaina Taub Trio EPShaina Taub Trio EPWhat Otters DoWhat Otters DoWhat Otters Do
- Happy new year, everybody! I’m so excited and still a little in disbelief that my show…
- hey everybody, I can’t wait to play some free outdoor concerts next month! FRIDAY AUGUST 11TH AT BRYANT PARK First up is August 11th at 7PM in Bryant Park’s…
- hey friends, a few spring updates! JOE'S PUB CONCERT ON MONDAY APRIL 10TH I'm so excited that for my April Pub show, I'll be joined by my extraordinary friend and muse, Tony Award winner, badass…
- hey everybody, I'm thrilled to announce I'll be playing monthly shows at Joe's Pub all spring.…
- happy holidays everybody! JOE'S PUB CONCERTS I'm finally FINALLY returning to Joe's Pub for the first time since before all the pandemonium. I'm taking it back to basics with a series of totally…
- Hey everybody, Thank you to everyone who came out to see Suffs at the Public…
- "The Last Song on Earth" was the first song I wrote for this record, as the election was looming in the bleak fall of 2020. I intended it as a protest song against inaction on climate change,…
- These concerts will also be my last live shows for a while, because I'll be diving into rehearsals for the world premiere of my musical SUFFS at the Public Theater. …
- It sure has been a while. I miss gathering at concert halls and theaters with you all so much. I hope you’re finding joy and comfort somehow in these dark winter days. I’m writing a lot of music…
- PUBLIC WORKS: STILL WE WILL LOVEsadly there will be no Shakespeare in the Park this summer. here is something to lift our spirits while we wait until we can gather again -…
- Hey friends,It's been a minute! Hope the spring sun is starting to shine in all of your lives.I've been over here working away on my …
- Hey everybody, this year is off and running already! Here's what's coming up: The Joe's Pub residency last year was such a blast, we thought - why stop there? So, we're officially…
- Hey everybody, it's been a minute since I've written to ya and damn, a lot has happened! But first, here's what's coming up:West coast friends! I'm so excited to play…
- Hey everybody, let's get right down to it. It's been an amazing year so far at …
- Hey friends, The world is a scary place right now. If you're looking to have your faith in humanity restored, I implore you to join us at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park this…
- Hey people! Our next Joe's Pub concert is coming up right away next …
- Hey everybody! My Joe's Pub residency …
- Hey everybody! I'm just getting back from two beautiful weeks at SPACE on Ryder Farm working on my musical about radical…
- Hey everybody! Can't believe we're already at show #5 of this residency! I am particularly pumped to play for you this …
- Hey everybody! I'm having such a blast playing for you every month at Joe's Pub, and the fourth concert in my residency is coming right up a week from today on …
- Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first two Joe's Pub concerts! This residency is off and running and I can't wait to keep it rolling with the next one coming right up a week…
- Thank you to everyone who packed the Pub a few Fridays ago to kick off our Joe's Pub residency! I hope you enjoyed listening as much as I loved playing for you. In this tumultuous time, I…
- Happy new year everybody! Let's get straight to work. There's a lot things to raise our voices about right now, and I'll be singing out all year long as an artist-in-residence at …
- Hey everybody! It's been a while since I've sent an update, so I'm sorry for such a long one. But I'll try to keep it interesting with lots of pictures! CONCERT WITH JASON ROBERT BROWN -…
- Hey everybody! I'm especially pumped to invite you to my …
- I've been writing this project for months and am so excited to share with you that I'm creating a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's …
- Thank you. I'm overwhelmed by your love and support for Visitors. Making …